Tuesday, October 2, 2007


So onto talking about the second conference that I am attending, the second International Association of Structural Intergrators (IASI) Symposium. This event follows on from the first symposium held in Seattle last year. The theme of this Symposium is "Moving Forward" and it seems that this conference marks a major step for the structural integrators as they launch a standardised exam for the profession and start to link in with fascia researchers by having the symposium right after the Fascia Research Congress.

I've had an introduction to one viewpoint in the SI world through Mark Finch who has brought Tom Myers 'Anatomy Trains' material to New Zealand in the past couple of years. Those of you who have have attended one of Mark's workshops will have some idea of what SI - or Rolfing - entails. I understand that students cover the Anatomy Trains model in Clinical Therapeutics too. I'll be rooming with Mark during both conferences so I'll be picking his brain a bit further and no doubt we'll have a few debates.

I'm looking forward to listeing to a number of the speakers and seeing the practical demonstrations that follow. In particular
Judith Aston (Aston Patterning) who was an early associate of Dr. Rolf, who created the original "Structural Patterning" movement work; Emilie Conrad (the creator of Continuum movement meditation; Joseph Heller (the leader and source of the Hellerwork school of SI, author of several books on SI and the body, and creator of movement work in the Hellerwork tradition; and Dr. Peter Schwind, Ph.D ( Rolfing® instructor, mentor for the "Munich-Group", and author of Fascial and Membrane Technique which is in the NZCM library - well actually I have it out at moment :-).

I'm also really looking forward to seeing the presentation by Gil Hedley (Anatomist), who produced the Integral Anatomy DVDs which are the library also. Well worth looking at for a bodywide viewpoint on msculoskeletal anatomy and the importance of acknowledging the fascia in oragning that system.

Well that's it for now. I have a another day and night in New York so I'm off to make the most of it before heading to Boston and getting all fascial.

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